Monday, October 26, 2009

G is for Growing Up

I just turned 25! and unlike 23 (which seemed like an extremely unfriendly age) and 24 (which only meant I was one year older than the previous year) 25 actually means something!
I'm all grown up, don't mind me if I say I'm officially a woman now! and the good thing about it is that I'm totally loving it!
I HAVE massively changed in the past year, I'm stronger, I'm more stable, you can say I actually GREW UP! some things are of course still the same, which is pretty logical, after all, there's only so much that one year could do to you!

so here I am, all grown up and ready to face the world (who am I kidding?) I'm not even CLOSE! I'm just blabbering to make myself feel better.
it's true that things in my life are a lot better than they used to be, and it's true that I AM more mature than I used to be (if you call consulting your brain on every tiny move you make maturity) but that doesn't mean I really have any idea what I'm doing!
inside, I'm still that uncertain little girl, the one who has no clue what life is about. the one who feels too ugly to be loved, too silly to be taken seriously. the girl who tries too hard to be accepted only to get rejected. no matter how dramatically things change on the outside, on the inside it's all the same!

but I have grown up, at least enough to realize that it would take me forever to feel that sense of completion!
I have grown up, but I still have a LOT more growing up to do!


  1. Kol sana wenti tayyeba w 3awdon A7mad!

    Growing up alone is boring, believe me! I'm 4 months your senior so I know :p

  2. man i wish i feel the same way about 24! lol! you're right it feels like just the one before.. which is not necessarily a bad thing.. but i just dont feel any difference.
    i'm happy for you... i have this theorry that twenties in general is a have fun nevertheless without you even noticing sometimes... but twentysomething people are always confused... always messing up.. always not sure of what the hell is happening... quarter life crises!

    cheers to one year older and wiser and more confident :)
