Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A is for ANGER

I've always been known for my self-destructive habits, I must say, unreleased anger is the most destructive of all.
I look back at my life and I realize that I've spent most of it being ANGRY! there was always something -or someONE- to be mad at.
My mom, controlling and manipulative is the least I could say, (I love her of course, she IS my mother after all, and I guess this is where all the anger comes from) over the years she has used my love for her to get me to do whatever she wants, I'm 24 now, still being treated like a 14 year old. I still care too much about what she thinks, I'm still putting off half the life I want to live because I don't want to upset her. I live a double-life, because I pretend to be the daughter she wants me to be in front of her (still she's not satisfied) outside, I'm still not who I really want to be. I'm still tied down by her in everything I say or do. Too many secrets, too many lies, and I eventually get lost between who I pretend to be, who I want to be and who I really am.
Eventually, I'm NOBODY in particular. and it makes me ANGRY at myself for not being able to stand up for what I think is right, and angry at her for turning me into the lost little coward that I've become...
I have no idea what my future is going to be like, I can't keep on lying forever. and at this fact 'm only SCARED.

my father, docile and tame! he's too kind it makes me want to hate him!
my relationship with my father is the farthest thing to go from a healthy father-daughter relationship. we cannot have a decent conversation, we hardly ever do! the minute he opens his mouth to speak to me, I feel this VOLCANO explode right into his face. he could be asking me ANYTHING, where my mom is, for example, and I instantly respond " you and me are in the living room, and you can HEAR someone in the kitchen! who could it possible BE?!!! a friggin ghost?!"
he could ask for a glass of water and I'd just be go get it yourself, you're standing right next to the kitchen door!
wow, as I type down these words, I see myself as a horrible person. and I know that I am, but the anger I feel towards my father, unjustified as it is, is the WORST of all! and I have no problem expressing it at all in front of him.
I don't know why I do this, and I HAVE been working on it, but still I find myself getting him the glass of water and thinking to myself, God did you just remember you were thirsty when you saw me come out of the room?! or did you ask me to piss me off?!

my home, Small and poor! I hate to say this but it's true; I HATE the house I'm living in!
I do whatever I can do to just stay out of the house for as much time possible.
as a kid, my parents spent whatever money they had on my education and on bringing up what they hoped would be a good person. I was raised like a princess, I got all the rediculously expensive toys I ever asked for, I wore expensive brand names, I went to good schools, and even though my parents had no membership in any club, in the summers they made sure I had this temporary membership in some nice club where I could play sports... ya3ni mat7aramtesh men 7aga.
now you're thinking, so where's the problem?
the problem is, my mom's a spender and my dad is unambitious. he doesn't care how much money he makes as long as it keeps bread on the table (one of the reasons I'm constantly mad at my father) so as time went by, we didn't get poorer, it's just that everyone we knew got richer. and while everyone we knew started moving to better homes and buying new cars, we can't even afford to renovate and paint the Goddamn fallin'-apart-full-of-cracks-walls!!
it does make me angry, I can't help it!

I can list a million other things that make me eat my heart out, that would make me sound bitter, and that would make you think that I'm the most horrible human soul that ever walked the earth. well, I'll tell you what, I'm not! I'm just being honest. I'm just stating the facts, facing myself before I face any of you. I'm not ashamed of who I am because so far I've managed to deal with that anger and live what you may call a normal life - not healthy, but just okay,all I can say is you haven't seen me go over the edge just yet.

I won't deny that it makes me mad because I'm alone right now while my ex is having the time of his life with the girl he cheated on me with. I won't say that I'm okay with the fact that she's everything that I can NEVER be, that she's the total opposite of what I am.
I won't say that every time I'm at the gym or at a friend's house and I look into the mirror, I realize that my hegab is killing whatever beauty I have, and that I constantly feel that I'll never be loved again!
I won't say that I'm fine with knowing that in another life I could have been a totally different person, a healthier, more independent person. and that even though I want to blame my mother for that, I can only blame myself.
I'll admit that my choice of career was the biggest mistake I ever made, and that it's too late to try to fix it now.
let's just say that I'm at this point in my life when I'm mad at EVERYTHING, because everything is going wrong.

I'd like it very much if things were to get better, I'd like it if I learned how to deal with the anger I feel and just come to be at peace with myself at last.
I want to look in the mirror and not feel this RAGE rise inside of me because everything I need to change needs something that I Can't have.
I know that some days will come when I'll be happy, I have my ups and downs, but I just wish I could stop being this ANGRY!


  1. You left a comment on mine so I decided to read yours. Really good writing by the way - raw and emotional. It's just a shame that it is all too real. Reading this, in parts I could have been reading my own life story. I spent years angry and holding grudges (mostly at my mother and father) until I realized that I was hurting myself worse than the ones who I was mad at had hurt me. They were long gone and forgotten, yet I was still mad as hell. For what? I was so angry at everything I did not even know what I was angry at anymore. I was angry just for the sake of being angry because I did not know any other way to be.

    In the end it wasn't worth it. But anger, it is hard to let go of, especially if it gets into your heart and cements itself down at the bottom. I wish I could give you a secret formula to get rid of all the anger, but there is none. You have to find the answer inside yourself.

    I am assuming you are Egyptian based on what you write. I am not Egyptian, but I can really relate to your struggle for an independent identity away from the one your parents have created for you. I find it extremely interesting that you say your hegab is killing your beauty. Is wearing hegab your own choice or do you have to wear it out of obligation? I am curious to know because I wanted to do an article on hegab for my blog.

    If you want to write something for me regarding your feelings on hegab and why you do or don't wear it and how it makes you feel, I would love to use that in my blog. You can email it to me. ics@onefleetingglimpse.com

    Thanks and I hope you feel better soon.

  2. thanks a lot for the comment, I know there's no secret formula to getting rid of the anger, writing about it does make it feel better for a while though :D that's what I'm trying to do here.

    about my hegab, I wore it TOTALLY by choice, I remeber my parents opposing of the idea saying I was too young and still wasn't old enough to make beig decisions, but I still did it anyways.
    I was totally convinced when I did it, and up till now when I think about it, I don't regret it (I was in my "angry" mood when I wrote this entry, so I was pretty much pissed at everything in my life)

    I think what I said about my hegab killing my beauty is kinda true though, because this is the concept of hegab: to make women less attractive... sometimes, I just miss being without it, I miss being totally free, totally myself! it doesn't mean that I'm anti-hegab or anything...
    I think every girl who is wearing the hegab feels that way every once in a while, I believe that they wonder how things would be different/ easier to just be withhout it... but then again it's all a matter of faith.
    I believe that God wants me to werar hegab, so I do, I'm not always happy about it, but believe me it's the least of my worries...

    again, thanks for taking the time to read my entry :D

  3. i relate to so many aspects here!!! your relationship with your parents is more or less like MY relationship with MY parents... only bel 3aks... mom is the one i tend to.. umm... sadly disrespect sort of... and dad is the one who affects how everything goes on in my life! denial works fine for me most of the time... but sometimes i just pray to get outta there... and - like you - i dont hate my parents! i actually love my father and feel for my mother a great deal!

    humff... anywhoo..
    as angry as this post is, it's so very true and honest... and i love that!

    i'm glad you're back to blogging... i was wondering a few months back where have you disappeared!


    take care of you.. and keep blogging :)
